Child Development exercises powered by NannyTrain™.
9 - 12 MONTHS
The activities below let babies have fun while helping them develop physically, cognitively and socially. Do not force baby to do an activity if she doesn’t like it. You can always try it again later.
Here’s what most kids can do by 12 months. Be patient and let the child set the pace. Every child develops at a different pace!
Physical Development
sit up without support (can pull themselves into a sitting position)
crawl around quickly
pull to stand (stand unsupported for a moment)
“cruise” along furniture (small side-by-side steps while holding onto an object for support)
hold two objects in one hand; knock two objects together
put blocks into a container and take them out
drink from a cup & eat finger food
use a pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger) to pick up small objects
turn pages in a book
scribble with a crayon or pencil
Cognitive/Language Development
babble & imitate words spoken by adults
understand simple words and phrases
points to body parts nad. familiar objects or people when named
say first words like “book”, “ball”, “hi” and “bye.”
play interactive games like patty cake and peek-a-boo
responds to own name & say “dada” and “mama” to her parents (not just randomly use the words)
follow simple one-step instructions
start using objects correctly (cup for drinking, brush for hair, etc.)
imitate adult activities like using the phone or TV remote
Social/Emotional Development
interested in other kids (but play is still not coordinated
display attachment to parents/caregivers (may be shy with new people)
Imitate simple facial expressions and sounds
Shows preference for familiar people
Expresses a range of emotions (joy, anger, fear)
Talk a lot with child! Name people, places and things that baby sees every day and points at
read lots of board books and let baby turn the pages
provide a lot of space to move around (HelpMeGrowMN)
play exploration games to encourage standing and walking
making obstacle courses
use crayons, sidewalk chalk and other art supplies (encourage creativity & fine motor) (whattoexpect)
use blocks (practice stacking one block on another)
slide down cushions and climb up cushions
play with toy that twist, turn, crank, dump & fill
play with toys that can be pushed & pulled
practice covering & uncovering boxes and containers
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2015).
Developmental Milestones: 12 Months. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022)
Developmental Milestones Kuhl, P. K. (2010).
Brain mechanisms in early language acquisition. Neuron, 67(5), 713-727. [4]
Attachment and development: A prospective, longitudinal study from birth to adulthood. Sroufe, L. A. (2005)