Child Development exercises powered by NannyTrain™.
6 - 9 MONTHS
The activities below let babies have fun while helping them develop physically, cognitively and socially. Do not force baby to do an activity if she doesn’t like it. You can always try it again later.
milestones (9 months)
Here’s what most (not all) kids can do by 9 months. Be patient and allow the baby to set the pace as they learn new physical and cognitive skills.
Physical Development
crawl or scoot around to get to toys and explore
get into sitting position independently & sit without support
pull self up to a standing position using furniture, remain standing with support
pick up food and small objects with thumb and forefinger (“pincer grasp”)
pick up objects using four fingers (“rake grasp”)
may begin using spoon for self feeding
transfer object smoothly from one hand to the other
Cognitive/Language Development
point to what they want
understand simple words like "no" and "bye-bye" (may wave bye-bye when someone leaves the room)
respond to own name
babbles; understands simple words like "mama" or "dada"
looks at familiar objects or people when named
understand “object permanence” (object continues to exist even when out of sight)
Social/Emotional Development
develop attachment to stuffed animal or blanket
imitate gestures and actions by adults
develop stranger anxiety; prefer familiar people
engage in back-and-forth interactions and games
respond to simple, one-step requests (“Please give me the cup.”)
may cry when mom, dad or nanny leave
notice and react to other children
imitates simple actions and facial expressions
aintain a predictable routine for sleep, feedings, and play
read, speak and sing to baby frequently (use her name frequently)
get on the floor with baby and play interactive games like “peek-a-boo”
let baby practice grabbing small objects (don’t let her put them in her mouth)
give baby lots of opportunites to crawl around, sit and stand up (watch her carefully!)
narrate your actions and name objects frequently
check to make sure environment is “childproof” so baby can freely explore and crawl around
read books and sing songs that involve lots of actions and hand motions